Cory Hardrict’s New Tyler Perry Movie about Divorce Anger Tia Mowry and fans

The recent developments in the lives of Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict have captivated the public’s attention, especially following their divorce after a 14-year marriage. As each navigates their new paths, Cory Hardrict’s involvement in a new Tyler Perry movie about divorce has stirred significant controversy, angering both Tia Mowry and their fans.

Cory Hardrict’s Role in Tyler Perry’s New Film

Cory Hardrict, known for his compelling performances in films like “American Sniper” and “All Eyez on Me,” has taken on a new role in a Tyler Perry movie that delves into the complexities of divorce. The film, which is yet to be titled, explores the emotional and legal battles that often accompany the end of a marriage. Perry, renowned for his poignant storytelling and ability to tackle real-life issues, promises a gripping narrative that resonates with many.

Divorce in the Black

The Plot: A Mirror to Reality?

The plot of Perry’s new film centers around a couple going through a tumultuous divorce, with themes of betrayal, self-discovery, and the quest for closure. Given the timing, many fans and media outlets have speculated that Hardrict’s involvement in such a project might be a reflection of his real-life experiences. This speculation has added fuel to the already burning fire of public interest in Hardrict and Mowry’s post-divorce lives.

Hair Grease

Tia Mowry’s Reaction

Tia Mowry, beloved for her roles in “Sister, Sister” and “The Game,” has been vocal about her journey post-divorce, emphasizing self-love and personal growth. However, the news of Hardrict’s participation in a movie about divorce reportedly did not sit well with her. Sources close to Mowry suggest that she feels the project is too close to home and fears it might cast a shadow over their real-life experiences.

Mowry’s apprehensions are understandable, given the public scrutiny their divorce has already attracted. The actress has worked hard to maintain a positive public image and to shield their children from the fallout of their separation. The movie, she reportedly feels, might reopen old wounds and bring unwanted attention to their family’s private matters.

Fans’ Reactions: Mixed and Heated

Fans of both Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict have taken to social media to express their opinions on Hardrict’s new project. The reactions have been mixed, with some applauding Hardrict for taking on a role that might provide therapeutic insights into the process of divorce.

“Art imitates life. Maybe this movie will help others going through similar situations,” one fan commented on Instagram. Others, however, share Mowry’s concerns, fearing that the film could be perceived as a dramatization of their personal lives.

“This is in poor taste. It feels exploitative,” another fan tweeted. The debate highlights the thin line celebrities often walk between their personal lives and professional choices, especially when their work mirrors their real-life challenges.

The Broader Implications of Art Imitating Life

Tyler Perry’s films are known for their deep emotional resonance and their ability to address social issues head-on. This new movie is no exception. By casting Cory Hardrict, Perry might be aiming to bring authenticity and raw emotion to the portrayal of divorce. However, the timing and context have inevitably drawn parallels to Hardrict’s own life, intensifying the public’s interest and scrutiny.


Navigating Co-Parenting Amidst Controversy

Despite the professional and personal upheavals, both Mowry and Hardrict remain committed to co-parenting their two children. They have consistently emphasized the importance of maintaining a stable and loving environment for their kids. The controversy surrounding Hardrict’s new movie adds another layer of complexity to their co-parenting efforts.

Mowry has shared on social media that their children’s well-being is their top priority. “We are doing our best to keep things as normal as possible for them,” she posted recently. Hardrict, too, has echoed similar sentiments, stating that their children come first, regardless of their personal or professional challenges.


Conclusion: A Controversial Choice

Cory Hardrict’s involvement in Tyler Perry’s new movie about divorce has undoubtedly stirred the pot, bringing both support and criticism from various quarters. While the film promises to deliver a powerful message about the realities of divorce, its impact on Hardrict’s personal life, particularly his relationship with Tia Mowry and their children, cannot be overlooked.

As the film progresses towards its release, it remains to be seen how Hardrict and Mowry will navigate this new chapter. For now, the controversy serves as a reminder of the intricate balance celebrities must maintain between their personal lives and professional choices. It also highlights the potential power of art to heal, provoke thought, and sometimes, unfortunately, reopen old wounds.

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